DigitalZ (4 week game build)
The developer has not uploaded a game yet...
This is a zombie shooter where you will be transported from a digital zone into a wasteland filled with zombies.
You will have to navigate through the wasteland that is zombies and fight your way to reach the teleporter to get back to your base!
This game can be played with either 1 person or 2 people.
You can share the keyboard or play using Xbox One controllers.
Buttons are for controller support:
Shoot | RB |
Move | Left Thumb Stick |
Move Camera | Right Thumb Stick |
Run | Left Thumb Stick Button |
Keyboard and Mouse support are as follows:
Mouse Movement.
Shoot | Left Mouse Click. |
Move | WASD. |
Move Camera | Mouse Movement |
Run | Shift Button |
Download 552 MB
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